Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week 17, November 21st-25th 2011

Dear Parents,

We hope you had a relaxing and fun weekend. Please remember that this is a short week for the students.There will be no school this Thursday, November 24th and Friday, November 25th.

We will be having our student-only Thanksgiving lunch thisWednesday, November 23th. Please have your child bring in 130 Lempira for the Thanksgiving Lunch as soon as possible. Also, we are asking that each child bring a potato to school before Wednesday for an art activity.

This week your child will be inquiring into the following:
Language Arts
  • Phonics- Students will be reviewing all the sight words that are up on the Word Wall and learning new ones through various chants and activities.
Words for this week:   so and these (there is no spelling challenge this week because this is a short week)

  • Reading-This week the class will focus on gathering informationm from a non-fiction text about Thanksgiving based on the 5 W's; Who, What, When, Where, Why. The class will also be illustrating their own Thanksgiving books.
  • Writing- Your child will be writing a letter to a friend this week about why his/she is thankful for him/her. Your child will be expected to include a greeting/opening, body, and closing. He/she will also be required to make sure each sentence starts with a capital letter, ends with an end mark and is complete.

Math-This week your child will continue to explore time. He/she will learn how to tell time to half an hour, elapsed time, and he/she will determine whether an event takes place in the morning, afternoon or night. You can help your child with this skill be practicing to read both analogue and digital clocks at home. Also, the math games under the 'Links' heading will help your child review the clock and telling time.

Theme- This week your child will be continuing exploring the thermometer, being a meterologist by recoring the daily weather, and making a rain gauge. He/she will also be finishing making his/her weather mobiles.


Math-Worksheet Telling time to the half hour
Phonics- I AM THANKFUL FOR............
Reading- Read 10 minutes

Math-Elapsed time
Phonics - Study for spelling challenge
Reading-Read 10 minutes

Thanksgiving Lunch- Your child will be celebrating Thanksgiving with his/her classmates on Wednesday, November 23rd. The cost is 130 Lempira. He/she must only bring a healthy snack that day, he/she does not need to bring a lunch.
No School- There is no school for all students on Thursday, November 24th and Friday, November 25th.
Potato-Please have your child bring a potato to school before Wednesday.
Library- Please make sure your child brings back his/her library book on his/her library day every week.
P.E- Please make sure your child wears proper running shoes on the days when he/she has P.E.

Secret Word-Thanksgiving

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