Monday, January 17, 2011

Week 22 January 17th-21st

Dear Parents,

We home everyone had a nice long weekend. This week will be a very excited week for the first graders!
The first graders will be starting a new unit this week entitled 'Fairytales and Legends' and as a fun way to start this unit, they will be going on a field trip to Chiminike this Friday, January 21st. to watch a performance based on the fairytale '3 Little Pigs'. We will send home a permission slip tomorrow, that further explains the trip. We will be asking students who would like to share their favorite fairytale and/or legend to bring their stories to class.
This week your child will be exploring the following:

Language Arts

  • Phonics- This week's words are get, come, made, may, and part. The class will be investigating the spelling patterns and meaning of these words plus the older ones through various chants and activities.
  • Reading- The class will be learning about the elements of fairytales. The elements that they will be exploring are: 1) Most fairytales start with 'Once upon a time...', 2) Fairytales have happy endings, 3) Fairytales have a problem and solution, 4) Fairytales have good vs. evil, and 5) Most fairytales have magic.
  • Writing- This week the class will be exploring poetry. 
Math-This week your child will continue to explore time. He/she will learn how to tell time to half an hour, elapsed time, and he/she will determine whether an event takes place in the morning, afternoon or night. You can help your child with this skill be practicing to read both analogue and digital clocks at home. Also, the math games under the 'Links' heading will help your child review the clock and telling time.

Theme-Social Studies- The class will be starting the new theme this week, "Fairytales and Legends". Your child will discuss how the same fairytale can be told in different ways according to the country it is from. 

-Reading- read 10 minutes
-Math- worksheet

-Reading- read 10 minutes
-Phonics- Making Words worksheet
-Math- Mental Math worksheet- Parents must time their children

-Reading- read 10 minutes
-Math- Elapsed Time worksheet

-Reading- read 10 minutes
-Math- worksheet
-Phonics- review the 5 challenge words

  1. Field Trip- Friday, January 21st
  2. No Lunch- Students do not need to bring in their lunches on Thursday, January 20th. 
  3. Yellow Envelopes- Please return the yellow envelopes that the report cards went home in last week, singed, to the homeroom teacher AS SOON AS POSSIBLE
  4. Water Bottles- Your child must come to school with a water bottle every day.
  5. Library- Please make sure that your child brings his/her library book to school on his/her assigned library day.
Secret Word- Magic

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