Monday, October 14, 2013

Week 11 October 14th-18th

October 14, 2013

Dear Parents,

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Tomorrow morning the students will be taking their last MAP test. Please make sure you send in a hearty and healthy snack for your child tomorrow.

Next Monday October 21st there will be NO SCHOOL.

Friday October 25Th we will be having our first quarter Student Led-Conferences there is no school on this day. I will be sending home different time options for your conference with your child. Please return your chosen time as soon as possible. I will try to accommodate your first choice as best as I can. You will be allotted a time during which you and your child can come to class together. During this time, your child will show you around the classroom and explain what he/she has been learning. It is also the time you will receive your child's report card and when the teacher will discuss with you any concerns that she might have regarding your child's learning.

'Book Character Day' is not too far away. We would like to remind you that your child will be encouraged to come dressed like his/her favorite book character on Thursday, October 31st and be ready to present his/her costume and book to the class. There is a link to 'Country Living' that shows how to make homemade costumes under the 'Links' heading for the parents who are thinking of making a costume.

A quick reminder to all parents to check your child's specials teachers' blogs weekly.

This week your child will be inquiring into the following:

Language Arts
Working With Words- This week your child will be reviewing the Word Wall words with various chants and activities. I will also introduce 5 new words; number, no, way, could, and people . No spelling challenge this week.

Reading- Your child will reading about the United Nations. We will also read about different branches of the United Nations (UNICEF, UNESCO, WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME, and the UN PEACE KEEPING MISSION). The students will continue learning how to retell information in his/her own words (2 week lesson).

Writing- Your child will be writing and informational pieces on the United Nations and creating a U.N. mural based on the information he/she learned about the U.N. (2 week lesson).

Math- This week your child will be reviewing addition. Your child will learn strategies to help them with mental math. We will be working on using doubles, doubles +1, and sums of 10 to help them add.

Theme- Your child will be reading information about the U.N and discussing what they have learned.

IXL: B.8 & B.9



Reading-Read for 10 minutes and fill in the reading log.
Math- math pg.104-105
Writing- Telling and asking worksheet

Reading-Read for 10 minutes and fill in the reading log.
Math- math pg.106-107
Spanish- worksheet

Reading-Read for 10 minutes and fill in the reading log.
Math- math pg.108
Word Wall-  worksheet


Armed Forces Day No School- Monday, October 21th
Student Led Conference No School- Friday, October 25th
Book Character Day- Thursday, October 31st


DONATIONS NEEDED:  Don’t forget to send in cereal boxes for Ya Tengo Donde Escribir” between now and November 20. The grade that brought the most boxes will be awarded a pizza party or ice cream party! Please help us help those in need!

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