Monday, November 26, 2012

Week 16-November 26th-30th

Dear Parents,
We hope everyone had a relaxing and tasty long weekend! We have a bit of important information for all parents this week.
Christmas is the season to open our hearts and share with those around us that need it most. It has been a tradition at Discovery School for students to come together and contribute in assembling baskets of goods for our support personnel. We are asking for your cooperation in sending the following:
1st grade students -1 5-lb bag of sugar
We would also like the first graders to come together and help the Nuestro Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) ( This is an international organization that takes in abandoned and orphaned children, providing them with a home and education. This is a great organization that usually is very self-sustaining, however, due to the bad growing season this year, the orphanage is struggling. We are asking if our students could help other children in need by either donating non-perishable food (bags of sugar, rice, corn flour, flour, etc) or buying a child a pair of shoes or socks. We can provide the parents with the size of shoes and socks needs if anyone is interested.

The Discovery School Song Fest is around the corner! It will be held on Tuesday, December 18th at 6:00 p.m.) This year, the Music Department is making a very special celebration as an extension of their Music classes. The children will sing and dance beautiful Disney and/or famous movie themes. The Music teachers need your cooperation by providing dresses for your child:
FIRST GRADE - Song to perform: “Heigh Ho” from “Snow White”.  The boys need to dress up as a dwarf with a beard, a big dwarf hat, and a hammer or shovel. The girls need to wear a dress with a diamond or other gem tia­ra to simulate a jewel.
The children need to have their costumes ready for Thursday December 13th for the general dress rehearsal.
Last, students are dismissed at 11:45 a.m. this Wednesday, November 28th. You child needs to bring a snack only to school that day.
This week your child will be inquiring into the following:

Language Arts
Phonics-This week's words are my, than, first, water, and been. You child will be learning this words and reviewing older ones through various chants and word activities.
Reading- Your child will be identifying the problem and solution of a story as well as relating personnel experience to the story. The class will also be reviewing various other reading skills this week. It would benefit your child to ask him/her reading comprehension questions every night after he/she has read. There is a list of questions to guide you located under the 'Pages' heading.
Writing- Your child will be learning how to write a shape poem and the importance of capitalization in writing.

Math- Your child will be learning about equal parts, halves, thirds, fourths, fractions of a set.

Theme- Your child will be inquiring into radio weather reports and creating one of his/her own.

Reading-Read for at least 10 minutes and fill out the reading blog
Math- Equal Parts worksheet
Phonics- Word Search

Reading-Read for at least 10 minutes and fill out the reading blog
Math- Halves worksheet
Writing-Unscramble the Sentence activity

Reading-Read for at least 10 minutes and fill out the reading blog
Math- Thirds and Fourths Worksheet
Phonics- Fill in the Blanks worksheet

Reading-Read for at least 10 minutes and fill out the reading blog
Math- Fractions of a Set worksheet
Phonics- Study for the spelling challenge

Early Dismissal- Wednesday, November 28th, at 11:45 a.m.
Donations- Please send food donations as soon as possible. If a parent is interested in helping the NPH orphanage, please send in a food donation or shoes/socks.
Discovery Song Fest- Tuesday, December 18th, at 6:00 p.m.

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