Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week 23, January 16th-20th

Dear Parents,

We home everyone had a nice long weekend. This week will be a very excited week for the first graders!
After reviewing the reading surveys we sent home last week, we noticed that many parents would like to know how they can help their children become better readers. We have attached some information in English and Spanish under the 'Links' heading for all parents to read. You will also find some online stories you and your child can read together.
There is a half day this Wednesday, January 18th. Children will finish school at 11:45 am. Your child will not need to bring a lunch that day, only a snack.
Last, we ask that your child bring a small bag of Skittles or M&Ms to school on Wednesday. This is for a Math activity that will take place later this week.
This week your child will inquire into the following:

Language Arts
  • Phonics- This weeks words are its, water, been, called, who and am. Your child will be learning these words along with reviewing older words through various words activities and chants.
  • Reading- You child will be focusing on two reading skills this week: 1) understanding vocabulary by using context clues and 2) retelling information in his/her own words by reading Kiss for Little Bear by Else Holmelund Minarik. The second skill is a very difficult skill for first graders. You can help your child with this skill by asking them to cover up a page he/she has just finished reading with his/her hand and retell you the information from the page in his/her own words. You child should only tell you the most important information and not all the details.
  • Writing- You child will be writing a message this week as well as focusing on periods. There are still many students who do not understand what a period is used for and what a complete sentence is. You can help your child with this skill by having him/her play some of the writing on-line games under the 'Links' heading.
Math- This week your child will be continue learning numbers up to 100. The class will investigate groups of 10, counting by 10 and the patterns in numbers on a 100 chart. You can help your child with these skills by asking him/her to count to 100 by 1s and 10s. Ask your child to start counting on from a number you choose, like 36. It is important that your child is able to count on from any number on the 100 chart. You can also help by hanging a 100 chart in your child's bedroom or any room your child visits frequently, even the bathroom.

Theme- Social Studies- Maps- This week your child will inquire into map keys, a compass rose, and cardinal directions; North, East, South and West. You can help your child with these skills by examing a map at home and asking him/her questions related to the map. For example, in which direction is the United States from Honduras? In which direction would you travel to get to Africa?


Math- Counting by 10s worksheet
Language Arts- Writing- Write a message to any teacher about what you learned that day.
Reading- Read 10 minutes and fill in Reading Log

Math- Counting and Writing Numbers on the 100 Chart worksheet
Theme-Cardinal Directions worksheet
Reading-Read 10 minutes and fill in Reading Log

Math- Groups of 10 and Left Over worksheet
Language Arts-Phonics- Study for the spelling challenge
Reading- Read 10 minutes and fill in Reading Log


Professional Development Wednesday, 1/2 Day: Our third Staff Development Wednesday will take place onWednesday, January 18. This is an early dismissal day (PM Schedule) for students.
Parent Workshop: Our school counselor, Ms. Ivonne Casco, will be hosting a workshop for parents on Friday, January 20, at 1:30 p.m.
DPTO Fun Run: Our annual school Fun Run will take place on Saturday, January 28, from 8:30 a.m. There will be the traditional run, games, and a complimentary pancake and fruit breakfast to follow. The pledge forms were sent home last week; however, if you would like an additional copy, please download it from the administration blogs.
Sweaters/Jackets and Other Objects: We ask parents to label all their child’s belongings with a permanent marker. This makes it easier for us to help you look for things if they are misplaced or lost. We also ask for your cooperation by sending back with your child any item he/she brings home that does not belong to him, and to notify the homeroom teacher about it (by text message, email or phone call).
Tissue For the Classroom-Please send in a box of tissue (Kleenex) with your child to school as soos as possible.
Library- Please make sure your child brings back his/her library book on his/her library day every week.
P.E- Please make sure your child wears proper running shoes and clothes on the days when he/she has P.E.

Secret Word- one hundred

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