Sunday, October 5, 2014

October 6-10 , 2014

Dear Parents,

We hope everyone had a fun and exciting weekend!

'Book Character Day' is not too far away. We would like to remind you that your child will be encouraged to come dressed like his/her favorite book character on Wednesday, October 29th and be ready to present his/her costume and book to the class. There are a few links to websites that show how to make homemade costumes under the 'Links' heading for the parents who are thinking of making a costume.

 DONATIONS NEEDED: We are working on making fun and challenging math centers. We would like to ask you to please send with your child one box of large Ziploc bags and one small. Thanks for your cooperation.

Your child will inquire into the following this week:

Language Arts

WWW- This week’s words are more, see, go, write, because and two. Your child will be learning these words and reviewing older ones with various chants and activities. There will be a 'Spelling Challenge' on Friday, October 10th.

Reading- We will wrap up Nate the Great with a Scavenger hunt and eat pancakes. Students will also be learning about nonfiction texts by reading information about Christopher Columbus.
Writing- Students will be inquiring into pre-writing by exploring how to plan his/her writing. He/she will also write a short informative piece on Christopher Columbus.

Math- Students will continue working on Chapter 2 this week, 'Subtraction’. He/she will be inquiring into counting on, using part, part, whole, and finding differences.  These are some of the words that students need to be familiar with:
Vocabulary: Compare, difference, fewer, minus, more, subtract, subtraction sentence, take apart, take from, add to, , part , part whole, put together.

Social Studies:  Students will have the opportunity to learn about the United Nations. We will be listen to some guest speakers discuss their nationality and traditions. A special celebration for this day will be held in school on Oct. 29th.

IXLSKILLS: D.1,D.2, D.3, D.4, D.5


Reading- Read for at least 10 minutes and fill out the Reading Log.
Math- Subtraction worksheet
Working with Words- Write words in ABC order

Reading-Read for at least 10 minutes and fill out the Reading Log.
Math- Subtraction word problems
WWW-   Write sentences using each spelling word.

Reading-Read for at least 10 minutes and fill out the Reading Log.
Math- Addition practice worksheet/ find the missing addend
EspaƱol: Worksheet

Reading-Read for at least 10 minutes and fill out the Reading Log.
Math- True of false worksheet (solve + and -)
WWW- Study for spelling challenge



HOLIDAY – We want to remind parents that our October Holidays will be on Thursday and Friday, October 30 and 31.

SCIENCE FAIR - Our Early Childhood and Elementary students will begin working on their Science Fair projects. Grades K-2 will work on whole group projects with their teacher, grades 3-5 will complete a packet according to established deadlines, and will work on this project at home.  Packets will be sent home on this week. 

DPTO MEETING – Parents and teachers interested in a DPTO meeting must come to a meeting on Thursday, October 9 at 7:30 a.m. in the school cafeteria. The topics to be discussed are UN Day Celebration (October 29) and other school events.

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