Sunday, February 27, 2011

Week 28th- February 28th to March 4th

Dear Parents,

The children are excited about our Pet Gallery this coming Friday March 4th.You are all invited to join us from 8:00-8:45 am.  Please remember that dogs must be on a leash and smaller pets must be in their cages. If your pet is planning on spending the day with us, please make sure that they have enough food and water. Please remember,no dogs will not be allowed to spend the day at school with us.
Please send in the fact sheet as soon as possible. We are asking all the parents to help their child find as many fun and interesting facts as about his/her animal.You are encouraged to use the with web sites provided, encyclopedias, and any other resources that you might have.
This week your child will be learning the following:

Language Arts
  • Phonics- This week's words are called, who, its, now and little. Please review these words with your child nightly. Your child will be reviewing these words and older words daily with various chants and activities.
  • Reading-Your child will be reading informational texts and gathering facts about his/her pet. You can help your child with this skill by spending time with him/her reading facts from the information provided under the 'Links' heading about the pet or animal.
  • Writing-Your child will be editing and revising their facts and opinions about their pets. He/She will also be typing up some of their facts and adding them onto his/her posters.
  • Speaking- Your child will be practicing his/her presentation here at school using tone and intonation.  Not only will the students be presenting to parents, they will also be presenting to other students.
Math-This week your child will be counting, writing, and modelling different ways to express 2 digit numbers up to 99. Some children are still not able to count to 100 by 2s, 5s, and 10s. Please review this skill with your child nightly.

Theme-Social Studies-My Community- Your child will be further developing his/her map skills by examing key elements found on maps. The students will be learning about cardinal directions and using the cardinal directions in a scavenger hunt  to find the hidden treasure. Also, we will be exploring the key elements that make up our community, eg. police station, hospitals, schools, churches, corner stores (pulperias), supermarkets, etc.

-Reading-Read 10 minut
-Draw and/or print pictures of your pet.

-Reading-Read 10 minutes
-Math-Math worksheet place value through 90

-Reading-Read 10 minutes
-MathWorsheet modelling numbers in expanded form.
-Social Studies-walk/drive around your neighborhood and discuss what key elements are found in your neighborhood. Draw and name at least 1 key element.

-Reading- Read10 minutes
-Phonics- study for spelling challenge


  1. Send back Progress Reports
  2. DPTO-check the DPTO website for up coming events and information. DPTO
  3. Please label ALL of your child's belongings with a permanent marker; lunch boxes, containers, sweaters, water bottles, bags, etc.
  4. Water Bottles- Your child must come to school with a water bottle every day.
  5. Library- Please make sure that your child brings his/her library book to school on his/her assigned library day.
  6. The Chronicles of Discovery, a literary and art magazine for Discovery School high school students will be coming soon.
    Submissions for both art and literature are being accepted now until March 11. Students of all ages are encouraged to submit their work.
    The official award ceremony will take place in April.
    For more information contact Mr. Fenn or Ms. Campbell.
Magic Word: animals

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