Dear Parents,
Hope everyone
had a great weekend!
Student Led Conferences
will be held on Friday October 24th. There is no school for students on that
day. You will be allotted a time during which you and your child can
come to class together. During this time, your child will show you around the
classroom and explain what he/she has been learning. It is also the time you
will receive your child's report card and when the teacher will discuss with
you any concerns that she might have regarding your child's learning. There will
be a slip going home with the siblings of other Discovery students so the
teachers do not schedule meeting at the same time. All the other children will
get a slip telling the parents what time the conference will be. If the time is
inconvenient for you, please let the teacher know.
'Book Character Day' is not too far
away. We would like to remind you that your child will be encouraged to come
dressed like his/her favorite book character on Tuesday, October 28th and be ready to present his/her
costume and book to the class. There is a link to ‘Country Living’ that shows
how to make homemade costumes under the 'Links' heading for the parents who are
thinking of making a costume.
A quick reminder to all parents to check your
child's specials teachers' blogs weekly.
This week your child will be inquiring
into the following:
Language Arts
WWW- Students will chant out, write, and define grade 1 words.
The words for this week are:
Number, no, way, could, people, house.
Reading- Students will use illustrations and details in a
text to describe its main ideas. We will be using a poem related to Christopher
Columbus called “1492” to carry out this activity.
Writing- Students
will write informative texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts, and
provide a sense of closure.
10 min daily fill in Reading log
Math: Work on page 27 (model
taking apart)
Reading: Christopher Columbus Worksheet
10 min daily fill in Reading log
Math: Work
on solving addition and subtraction problems.
Christopher Columbus
Solve It.
WWW: Spelling Worksheet
10 min daily fill in Reading log
Math: subtraction worksheet
10 min Daily fill in Reading log
WWW: Study for Spelling Challenge
Math: Work on page
37, Take Apart Numbers.
Wednesday, October 15 Ms. Marisela and Ms. Norma will be sharing the digital
stories that the third, fourth and fifth graders created on The final products will be shared with parents
during our Student Led Conferences.
SCIENCE FAIR- Our Early Childhood and Elementary
have begun working on their Science Fair projects. Grades K-2 will work on
whole group projects with their teacher, grades 3-5 will complete a packet
according to established deadlines, and will work on this project at home. Elementary
parents need to keep in mind the deadlines that are established for each step
of the project.
SENIORS BAKE SALE - The Senior class will have
a bake sale on Wednesday, October 22 during snack and lunch recess.
Student Led Conferences will take
place next Friday, October 24. Conferences for the first quarter are mandatory
at Discovery School. Parents will be contacted this week.
U.N. Day Celebration will take place
on Wednesday, October 29. If you want to set a country up, or contribute with
the organization, please let the DPTO know.
will be no school on October 30 and 31 in compliance to Congress’ decree for
mowing the holidays this month. Classes
will resume on November 3
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